Your life is important so who are you going to tell your story to? What are the memories you want to share and pass on?

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Hi, I am AnnA Rushton and I am passionate about you being able to give the gift of your amazing life experience to others through writing your life story. What do your friends, family or even your lifelong partner really know about your life in the time before you met them?  The world is changing so rapidly that your children, or grandchildren, cannot even imagine what your life was like when you were their age. 

You don’t have to be a writer to write your life story – you just have to have lived it.

One of the greatest gifts we can give to others is to tell them our life story and let them hear about all the things we have experienced and learned from. This is your story – no one else’s - and you get to decide what goes in it. This is your chance to tell your side of the story in a way that is easy, comfortable and entirely at your own pace.

Every day, people just like you are writing their life story. They are not writers, or academics, just people who have discovered how to make those memories come alive




Have you ever tried to research your family history?  Have you been really frustrated because you got the names and the dates, but not the details that are so fascinating?

Have you ever looked at a box of photos or mementos you have inherited and longed to know who those people in the photographs are and what their relevance is to you? You might have just their names, but not the impact they had or any insight into their lives.

Facts are cold and dry, what we want is the intimate knowledge of their lives
: how they lived, what they ate, what they enjoyed on an evening out, places they had been – all of that adds colour to that history. Guess what – you only get that colour by leaving a memoir behind that tells them all about you.

You can’t get that from your ancestors, but you can leave your story for your descendants

Let me help you start writing in 1 hour in my six step ebook  How To Write Your Life Story in 6 Simple Steps and let me help you to start making that dream a reality.

No more excuses ….

I bet you have plenty of reasons why you haven’t done it so far, let’s look at the most frequent and see if they hold up:

It is too hard – sure if you were planning on doing it by yourself. With no help it certainly would be difficult. How about if you get a structured, simple to follow plan that will guide through each step? Would that make it easier? Well, I have developed a simple method that will have you beginning to write your life story after just a couple of hours – is that easy enough?

I have a terrible memory.  You may have kept diaries, or never written down a word, and yes it’s true that recalling events isn’t always easy but in part two of my course you have access to some great techniques that can help you with that. 

My life hasn’t been that interesting.   Really, do your think in thirty years time the everyday things you do will hold no interest for others? Think how much your life has changed and then think how your daily life is so different from that of your grandparents and how different will be the experience of future generations

I am not a writer. You don’t have to be a writer, you just have to want to document the people, places and things that have been important in your life, and in fact, you can make a start on writing your autobiography in just a few hours. How hard is that?  Oh, and if you really can’t write, then you can adapt the techniques I show you into making your life history available to others in several different ways. I will tell you exactly how to do it.

I don’t know where to start. I agree, it can be overwhelming, and that is one of the secrets to the success of my course. I make it easy for you to start, and keep going, in ways that seem natural and also inspire you to tell your story.

Get my 'Write Your Life Story' e-book
and get started right away
on those 6 Simple Steps

It really works

I have taught many people my simple method in workshops and seminars around the world. I have shared the tools you need to first create the structure, then access the database of your life and learn how to really make it relevant and have colour, depth and emotion.

I have broken down the process of writing your life story for you into these six simple, easy to follow, steps:

Step 1 is where you learn the structure that will make it simple for you to design your life story and begin to put everything in place that will make it a pleasure to write. Beginning with the ‘Fast Track’ start tool you are ready to start writing your life story in week one.

Step 2 guides you on some essential, basic, decisions on the kind of life story you want to write - and I offer you several options for you to work with – including non-writing ones – so you can choose the one that is most natural to you.

Step 3 is where you learn to add the personal, human touches that will make your story come alive for others to read. Creative writing tips to make your writing appealing and accessible to others.

4 helps to ‘get you in the mood’ with tips and techniques to use when want to recreate a specific memory or period of time, or to overcome any resistance or blocks that may have come up.

Step 5
will be the time to start going a little deeper into your memory banks and make choices about some of your most personal memories. Focused writing exercises to access your deeper creativity will move your story along.
Step 6 is where you look at where your story is going and decide on how you are going to continue it. Plus a detailed explanation of what your options are for publishing it privately for your friends and family, or in the public arena.


In fact, do you know who will benefit most from this?  You will, because writing your life story is a unique opportunity to reflect on your life and to acknowledge and celebrate what you have created with it. From your experience you will be able to see all the twists and turns that have led you to where you are now and to get a glimpse of what you want to pass on to future generations.

But will it work for me?

Well, plenty of people have already tried it and are really enthusiastic about their results. Don't take my word for it - this is what some of those who have attended my practical and fun workshops have said: 


 “I just wanted to let you know that this workshop is one of the best investments I have ever made! Thank you!”  Claire K, Star Promotions

What is passing on your family history and experience worth? There isn’t a price you can put on it, but you can for a very small investment start building a legacy for the future.

“I have always wanted to write my autobiography but I just kept putting it off. You made it seem so simple and straightforward, I couldn’t see why I didn’t just start, and once I had I was amazed at how easy it really was.”
Terry G, retired businessman

It can seem like an impossible task, but the secret lies in how you approach it. You can benefit from my own experience in creating a simple system that cuts through the confusion and makes it easy to begin.


"I have been keeping diaries and notebooks for years and they just got put in the cupboard with all our photos. Your life story method gave me a way to make a permanent record that our grandchildren are finding fascinating. I would never have believed how much I enjoyed doing it. "
Bella S, Property Consultant



Don’t let your memories gather dust, bring them out into the light and you will be amazed how quickly you can become absorbed in the process of writing your own life story.

"I have become very interested in researching our family history over the last few years and it has been very frustrating to have all the information about where the family came from and their dates of birth, marriage and death and that did give me a framework to start from. What I realised I was missing was a feeling of knowing who they were and that is what made me decide to write my own story so that our children would not have that feeling. Also, to let them know their mother was not born middle-aged, she had quite an exciting life before they were born!” Madeline W, Nurse

How To Write Your Life Story will personally guide you through the whole process from start to finish in a way that is logical and easy to follow. So simple is it that you will be starting to write within one hour by creating the database of your life. The raw material from which your life story will be written.
If you have ever wanted to pass on your experiences and tell the story of your life, then this is the simplest, most effective way to get started. So, please, join me for the greatest journey of your life.

Best wishes

What about those bonuses you mentioned?

It seems to me that what would be most helpful to you are some tips and tools about the writing process itself to help you really get into the writing process.

BONUS ONE is a great resource and it shows you the Top Ten Ways to Boost Creativity. All the help you need to get those creative juices flowing in some ways that might surprise you!

BONUS TWO will really help you identify and deal with the Top Six Myths about creativity that can really get in your way. These can be tricky to overcome but you will really benefit from knowing how to spot them when they crop up, and learn to deal with them effectively. 

